Sunday, December 12, 2010

Today I built...

This is an interior view of what will be The Rabid Pixie. 'But Tormie, what's The Rabid Pixie?'
I'm so glad you asked!
The Rabid Pixie, name courtesy of the stunning Amaranthim Talon, will be a novelty shop, of sorts. If you're familiar with 'Spencer's' in the U.S. you'll get some idea. Only there will be some furniture and other contraptions along with 'racier' (read: sex toys) gifts and clothing.
It's a modest sized build, with a few nooks. Styled a bit like a tiny castle (thank you 'Jaycee Tearfall' for the awesome textures!) with a simple wooden stair and barred windows. Sort of gives it a dungeon-y feel.
It is a very simple build, at present. Not very complicated at all, but I'm still patting myself on the back for completing the main build in less than a day.
Decorating will follow and products are being...erm...field tested as Research and Development are extremely important ^.^

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Tormie! Spencer's is a fun store... The Rabid Pixie is going to be even better! I can almost smell the massage oil...
