Sunday, September 19, 2010


Tonight with the help of Dark Langdon of Southern Comfort I got a little terraforming done on sim. I built the checkered grass and rock textures and I think they're workin'.
In the distance you can see poor Vicky Green thrown unceremoniously in the air for the good of the terraform endeavor, but I believe she'll like her new home in the corner when it's all done. ^.^
Also imported two awesome willows from the TGIB blog. They're floating around back there to the right, and after some more tweaking of the land, I'll begin planting them and mushrooms and lots of flowers...and some stones and maybe a bunny or two and...well, I dunno what else :D
The way I'm closing in the sim corners with megaprims to blend with the terrain has given me an idea of how I'll connect future sims. I should be able to add one at a time without disrupting the original sim's design too much. I hope.

And a bonus vanity shot of me, 'cause I'm just lovin' these dreadlocks from Emo-tions to death.

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